The Grey Area, Is It Just An Illusion?

Is freedom an illusion, are we really free or are we lead to think that by a hierarchal structure? The notion of self-autonomy is it real or just an intangible notion that the corruption of the resident region invokes? This is a grey area as we think we’re free when others are not.

When young upon entering the education system we’re taught that we have freedoms that other places don’t have. We do the standard recitation to pledge and repeat the process without much thought. But do we know the meaning behind the chant or their significance and do we adhere to the extension of showing liberty to all not just to some.

Are we free to express ourselves or go out exploring without prejudice because were not part of an exclusive clique that disparages those aren’t within their “prestige.” Do we show bias toward those who have a different view than ourselves whether politics, faith, taste in fashion, music, or other qualities that make individuals unique. Whether the corruption of the town or region we reside fosters this muck that creates a blacklist that doesn’t recognize neutrality or difference is problem that has to be addressed.

The Grey Area, Is It Just An Illusion
Greying Scale

Is the social structure setting standards to ensue fairness and giving everyone a chance to pursue a better future without being taken hostage by the “filth” known as corruption. Are the people in charge serving the people, the region, the future, taking to heart the responsibility that had been entrusted to them. Is there cohesion, do they perpetuate a system of cronyism. Do you find yourself skeptical as a result of the haze that has permeated through the mismanagement of the system?

When we walk around the block do we see that some parts are better off than others. You can tell a place’s atmosphere just by making careful observes. For instance, looking around do you cameras in every house occupied, do the windows have metal bars surrounding them, the number of abandoned houses, issues of stalking, history and frequency of accidents in that particular area.

In the end we have to ask ourselves if we believe that we’re free or if we’re under a system that provides liberty to those who blindly follow and obey without question. Ideally, we’re entitled to our opinions and beliefs as is everyone else as long we treat each other like how we want to be treated. We can look back in history and see if this “aged anomaly” has already happened and learn to overcome it.


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