Hidden Emotions X

Hidden Emotions X by Edwin Escolero

It’s hard to believe that over a decennary has passed since that night of the raids. Once again cold steel clashes in the streets and the townsquare. It is as if the battles are perpetuated by the same force that remained hidden to the people all these years.

The reason for the conflicts changes but the chaos is the same. We need to identify the true source of the conflicts, make it tangible and address it accordingly.

It’s full hearty to charge in without knowing the reason for the conflicts. Dialogue is necessary to acertain truths, however, there are those who aren’t interested in trying to understand one another. One can get a glimpse of the individual’s character by observing the way they wield language.

Language is a tool and an art that can be used to craft or communicate. For some it takes a while to realize the significance that language has, while those who are aware have a responsibility to use it wisely or when not to use it. However, there are those who try to incite others and disturb the harmony. Language is then misused and conflict arises because of the intent of the involved party.

Stepping out of the library, from afar I see catapults being carted into position to launch. The focus is the tower in the distance but is there a clear objective? The origins of that tower remain shrouded and could perhaps be a symbol.

The tower is filled with obstacles and mysteries that remain unclear. What will be revealed when the dust settles after the battles… I do not know. Throughout the region has spread loud whispers of dungeons, a hidden library, deceptions and oxymorons.

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